Military Sealift Command
Office of Small Business Programs
At MSC, we actively seek small business opportunities to leverage the innovation, agility, responsiveness and competition that small businesses bring to empower our global warfighting effectiveness. Each year MSC awards approximately $1 Billion in contracts to companies that are registered as small businesses. We look to the private sector to charter and operate ships; procure logistics support; recruit, process and retain more than 5,000 civil service mariners; and provide overhaul and repair services for more than 130 government-owned and operated ships. Small businesses help move MSC forward.
Business Opportunity Links
Small Business Offices and Resources
Office of Small Business Programs
Military Sealift Command
471 East C Street
Norfolk, VA. 23511-2419
Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs
Phone: 757-443-2717
Deputy Associate Director, Office of Small Business Programs
Phone: 757-443-1209