MSC Far East Bids Farewell, Welcomes Leaders During Change of Command in Singapore
29 September 2020
SINGAPORE -- Military Sealift Command Far East, located in Singapore, held a virtual change of command today during which Capt. Samuel de Castro relieved Capt. Robert Williams.
For the last two and a half years Williams has served as both the Commander of Task Group 73.7 and as Commander of MSCFE. In these roles, he ensured the safe and efficient operations of MSC-controlled ships that provide critical services in support of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and U.S. 7th Fleet.
While at the helm, Williams directed two prepositioning squadrons, six operations and maintenance offices in five geographic locations, nine reserve units and an average of 55 vessels assigned to his area of responsibility, which encompasses more than 52 million square miles in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Rear Adm. Joey Tynch, commander of Logistics Group Western Pacific (COMLOG WESTPAC) recognized Williams for his accomplishments, presenting him with a Legion of Merit.
“He applied keen operation insight and clear communications to push the envelope in contested environment operations such as ships and submarines mooring to dry cargo and ammunition ships to execute ordnance transfers and underway replenishment with expeditionary fast transport vessels,” according to the award citation.
“His creativity in negotiation with various organizations and countries across the Western Pacific assured crew movements to maintain operational readiness during the coronavirus pandemic.
These efforts included 1,200 replenishments at sea, 60 thousand pallets of cargo, 300 million gallons of fuel, and 350,000 tons of ordnance delivered.
“He expertly coordinated and led his team in providing superior logistics services, sustainment, preposition cargo and special mission support to the Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet and multiple combatant commanders,” according to the award citation.
His relief, de Castro, previously served as the chief of staff for COMLOG WESTPAC. The surface warfare officer is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and has led several commands, including USS The Sullivans (DDG 68).