Military Sealift Command Hosts Weeklong Training and Outreach Event for Sea Cadets
15 July 2024
For the second summer in the row, Military Sealift Command hosted U.S. Naval Sea Cadets to its ships and training facilities for weeklong training and outreach visit July 15-19.
The seven cadets who came from several states including; Florida, Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina, spent a day at sea aboard the expeditionary fast transport USNS Apalachicola (T-EPF 13) to observe various shipboard operations. They also learned about conducting underway replenishments at the MSC Underway Replenishment Training Center; how to combat fire and flooding aboard ships in the Damage Control Wet Trainer, and participated in training evolutions such as search and rescue swimmer and shipboard reaction force training.
“Our goal is to allow them to see what different things MSC does and what opportunities are available to them,” said Warrant Officer Brian Rulifson, U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Leader, Pensacola, Florida. “While they are sea cadets, we want to expose them to as much as we can so when the time comes, they can determine what they want to do having had that firsthand experience.”
“It definitely opened up a new area for me to explore for a career, and I definitely think I will look into it for something to do after high school. It has been really fun,” added Sea Cadet Olivia Rulifson of Pensacola.
The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps is the Navy’s youth development program that gives young people skills, knowledge and confidence through an amazing variety of training opportunities. The mission is to build leaders of character.
“This program has been a significant change in my life,” said Sea Cadet Philip Hackett of Windermer, Florida. “It’s a really wonderful program. It’s for kids our age to go out and learn a bunch a new skills they can possibly never get in any program like this.”
For Sea Cadet Maddox Salazar of Moyock, North Carolina, it is his second year visiting MSC. This year he is the company leader. He said he was looking forward to seeing how much his fellow cadets enjoyed the experience.
“I think MSC is very cool for giving us this opportunity,” he continued. “Having coming here for the second time I can say that they are bringing a unique experience to the cadets that help them choose what they want to do later in life.”
MSC plans to continue this annual visit and make it a tradition, informing these young people and future leaders of MSC’s mission as the premier maritime logistics provider.