“To provide persistent maritime logistics and coordinate specialized vessel support to the warfighter in order to enable plans and operations for the United States Indo Pacific Command, United States Transportation Command, and other commands as directed within the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility.”
Command history
MSC was founded in 1949 and grew out of the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS), which was an amalgamation of the Navy’s Fleet Support Services, the Naval Transportation Service, the Army Transport Service, and the U.S. Maritime Commission’s War Shipping Administration during World War II. The command assumed responsibility for providing sealift and ocean transportation for all military services as well as for other government agencies.
The Far East arm of the command was established at North Dock, Yokohama, Japan, in 1950.
In 1969, the command was renamed to Military Sea Transportation Service, Far East.
During the Vietnam War, MSTS was renamed Military Sealift Command and this command assumed the title of Military Sealift Command, Far East in 1970.
In line with MSC’s global transformation initiative, MSCFE was renamed “Sealift Logistics Command, Far East” and relocated to Singapore in July 2006.
As a result of an organizational review by Commander, MSC, the name reverted back to Military Sealift Command, Far East, in March 2011.
Today, MSCFE’s area of responsibility, aligned with U.S. 7th Fleet, includes more than 52 million square miles of the Pacific and Indian Oceans -- stretching from International Date Line to 68E longitude in the Indian Ocean, and from the Kuril Islands in the north to the Antarctic in the south.